

Just a very quick sketch of the Third-Year Architecture Studio at the University of Idaho. My students are working on developing structural ideas for an Aquatic Center project, and while they're cranking out some drawings, I thought I might crank out a drawing. The space was just re-painted over the holiday break, and it's now very very beige. It should only be a small matter of time before they start adding graffiti and posters and what not. But for now it's beige. To paraphrase from Spinal Tap, "How much more beige can it be? And the answer is ... none ... none more beige."


  1. Nice! Love your non-beige additions!

  2. Hi Matthew! Thank you for your comment :)
    Congratulations for your work and drawings :)
    I've studied architecture myself, and also teach drawing to architecture students in England. I wondered if you have ever come across an excellent book called "Visual Notes for Architects and Designers" from Norman Crowe and Paul Laseau. You probably know about it... I found it 4 years ago and loved it! All the best and keep the good work! ;)

  3. Hi Monica - thanks very much for your comments! Yes, I actually require my first-year students to read "Visual Notes." I was fortunate to have Norm Crowe as one of my teachers at Notre Dame, and to have met Paul Laseau a few times at conferences. Great book!

    Thanks Brett - not sure I agree with the 'genius' thing, but I'm very glad you like the blog!
